I’ve been working on weight loss… And it’s funny, how did I expect to lose all this extra cushion quickly, when I didn’t get it quickly. I decided I had to change my eating habits and exercise every day for one hour I went to a spin class and boy oh boy did I took […]
Category: My Blog
RIP Charlie Murphy
It is with a heavy heart that we have lost an amazing comedian Charlie Murphy rest in peace… Charlie has paved the way for many comedians up-and-coming and he gave us a path to follow. I will be forever grateful thanks for making me laugh Charlie.
When you go to the dentist
When you go to the dentist and they want to have a full-fledged conversation….”How are your kids doing?”….How am I supposed to talk with all that shit(water pick, suction hose, mirror, their hands) in my mouth….. Do you ever wonder why they never asked you to explain all the grunts and growls? My Dentist says […]
When someones kid gives you the middle finger…
Today, I had the pleasure of receiving the middle finger from a four-year-old in the waiting area at the hospital. 👀 On four separate occasions, the same little boy flip me off with a feeling, while he was sitting next to his dad. I couldn’t believe how he did it, he said nothing, but he […]
When life throws you a curve ball….
I found that if I use the feel, felt, found theory, I can dodge the impact. I know how you feel. I’ve often felt that way before. I found that if I can find laughter in it, I’ll be alright. Laughter is the best medicine. Denise Carter